A several days before. I search for information on the Rothco Parachute Cargo Duffle Bag, so i would like to describe here.
I have this bag for military use integrate A3 bags we're released so I can have a simple bag with my personal gear. large canvas bag that feels sturdy enough to take a lot of abuse. is about 2/3 the size of a bag of A3 and to me feels more durable with slightly thicker fabric so I'm satisfied with it. A3 the bags have a waterproof coating inside, but not so much this will spray it with some Scots Guards in case is left sitting out on a pallet. FYI... has small D rings at the ends of the zipper that look like they are for a shoulder strap but no strap included. I'm not using a shoulder bag as I like using as shoulder straps and handles 2 wear it like a backpack to carry long distances
These parachute bags are one of our most popular and make a great general-purpose cargo bag or carryall. 24" x 15" x 13" with reinforcing straps. Made from heavyweight canvas with web handles with a full-length zipper across the top. Tough and durable.. Read more or Check Price
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